Ghanaian Beans Stew Recipe



2 cups dry black eyed peas

1 ½ cups sunflower or vegetable oil

1 whole smoked/baked mackerel (1 cup when broken apart)

2 medium size fresh tomatoes (blend)

2 small to medium size fresh onions (blend)

2 large onions (one diced) and (one sliced) 

2 hot peppers

1 tbsp paprika 

1 tsp curry powder

1 tsp cloves powder 

Salt to taste  

Ripe Plantains (fried)

How To Make It: 

First, soak the beans in water for at least 1 hour minimum. Best soaked overnight. Soaking the beans helps get rid of the gas that is normally found in beans.

Transfer the beans into a pot, add 6 cups of water and bring to a boil for about 8 minutes.  

Dice 1 large onion and add to the beans for more flavor. Cook until the beans are soft.  

In a separate pot, heat up oil. Slice 1 large onion and add to the hot oil. Fry until the edges start to brown. 

Cut and blend the tomatoes and 2 medium size onions into a puree then, add it to the frying onions. Cook on a medium heat until most of the water evaporates. About 10 to 15 minutes. Stir occasionally to make sure the bottom does not stick.

Add paprika, curry powder, cloves powder and Salt to taste. Stir well and add the smoked mackerel. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Add the cooked beans and stir well. Simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes. And the beans stew is ready.

Peel, slice and add salt to the ripe plantains.

Heat up oil  in a frying pan and fry until the plantains are golden brown.

Fried ripped plantains and beans stew complements each other so well together. I hope you enjoyed this recipe.


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