Peanut Butter Soup Ghana Style


Peanut butter soup is a Ghanaian dish that is normally eaten with rice balls. But it can be eaten with anything from yam, potatoes, plantains, plane rice, fufu and many other starchy foods. 


2 lbs goat meat

2 lbs smoked cow feet

1 cup Peanut butter

2 medium size fresh tomatoes 

2 large peeled onions (one diced and one whole)

3 tbsp ginger puree/paste

Hot peppers (preferred amount)  

2 tbsp salt or to taste

1 tbsp tomato paste

Smoked mackerel

How to make it:

In a large pot, cut and clean the meat. Diced 1 large onion and add to the pot along with the ginger paste, 1 large size onion (leave whole), hot peppers, 2 medium size fresh tomatoes, salt and 1 cup of water. Cook this on a medium heat for about 10 minutes or until the onion and tomatoes are soft.

Take the onion, peppers and tomatoes out. Cover and let the meat cook for about 10 minutes then add 1 tbsp tomato paste, stir and cook for for 5 minutes. Add water if needed (about 1/4 cup).

Now, blend the tomatoes, hot peppers and onion together with the peanut butter. Add 6 cups of water to the blend then strain it into the pot with the meat.

Cook for 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes, taste for salt then add the smoked mackerel. Lower the heat and let the soup simmer for another 15 minutes. The soup is ready.


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